Randolph County Sheriff’s Office

Robert R. Elbon, Jr., Sheriff

Real Estate & Property Taxes

Randolph County, WV Treasurer

Serving Elkins, Beverly, Mill Creek, and All of Randolph County, WV

In West Virginia, the county sheriff is also the treasurer of the county and shall collect all taxes levied in the county.

Please be sure to select the ONLINE TAX PAYMENT tab.

Important Tax Dates

July 15 – Current year taxes are mailed. First day to pay current year taxes.

August 31 – Last date to pay Delinquent REAL PROPERTY taxes before Additional Fees added for certified letters and publication.

September 1 – First Half Discount ends.

October 1 – First Half Taxes are delinquent. Interest will begin accruing on First Half.

March 1 – Second Half Discount Ends.

April 1 – Second Half Taxes are delinquent. Interest will begin accruing on Second Half.

April 30 – Taxes remaining unpaid at close of business will be subject to publication and additional fees will be charged.

October – Annual Land Sale

Published REAL ESTATE taxes that remain unpaid are sold at our annual land sale held in October. To redeem taxes sold in a land sale, please contact the WV State Auditor’s Office at (304) 558-2251 or Toll Free at: 1-877-982-9148.


West Virginia State Code

Collection and Enforcement of Property Taxes

West Virginia state legislation pertaining to the collection and enforcement of property taxes may be viewed online by visiting the West Virginia Legislature’s website below:

Randolph County Clerk

Public Records

The County Clerk’s Office can provide Randolph County, WV public records of interest to residents, taxpayers, and other interested parties. You may also visit the link below to perform an online search of public records. Contact the Randolph County Clerk at (304) 636-0543.

Land Sale

Published REAL ESTATE taxes that remain unpaid are sold at our annual land sale held in October.

West Virginia State Auditor

Delinquent Land Bids & Notices to Redeem

The West Virginia State Auditor maintains records of lands nonentered to the State, sold for delinquent taxes and redeemed. To search delinquent land, you may visit the website below.

To redeem taxes sold in a land sale, please contact the West Virginia State Auditor’s Office.

West Virginia State Auditor’s Office

1900 Kanawha Blvd. East, Building 1, Room W-100, Charleston, WV 25305

Toll Free: 1-888-509-6568

Phone: (304) 558-2251

Fax: (304) 558-5200

West Virginia State Auditor

Levy Rate Information

The Local Government Services Division of the State Auditor’s Office is charged with the responsibility of approving property tax levy rates, the review and approval of general operating budgets / budget revisions for county commissions / municipalities and providing training and technical assistance to local governments in the State.

Randolph County, WV Tax Assessor

The Randolph County Assessor’s Office handles property tax assessments and can answer any questions you may have about the specifics of an assessment, provide mapping information, and help you change your address. Call the Randolph County Assessor’s Office at (304) 636-2114.

Contact the Randolph County Tax Office

Serving Randolph County, West Virginia

The Randolph County Tax Office can answer any questions about your Randolph County tax payment, fees, and other inquiries about county taxes in Randolph County, WV.

Randolph County Tax Office

4 Randolph Avenue

Suite 100

Elkins, WV 26241

Phone: (304) 636-2100

Fax: (304) 630-2093

Hours: Monday through Friday 8am – 4:30pm