Randolph County Sheriff’s Office
Robert R. Elbon, Jr., Sheriff
The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office is committed to protect the rights, lives, property, of everyone
Career day at TV Middle / High School ... See MoreSee Less
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My daughter Nikki was SO CUTE!!!
Thanks for all you do!
www.facebook.com/share/p/15wcQRVwrJ/?mibextid=wwXIfr ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.4 CommentsComment on Facebook
Wonderful-thank you.
That is so Awesome
Much needed unfortunately.
Parole absconder back in custody ... See MoreSee Less
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Citizens arrest I love it 🤣
A cop needs to set by Coalton Elementary im sick and tired of people speeding through there
Elkins Middle School parents ... See MoreSee Less
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Thanks for letting parents and the community know. We live in dangerous times
What was this about?
So will the “individual involved” be at the school tomorrow?
Pickens school visit by PRO Rocky Hebb ... See MoreSee Less
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Rocky is the best
Rocky just showed up for some free chicken nuggs!
New Security measures James Cain annex. If you are coming to the James Cain Annex to pay your taxes, see the Assessors office, the County Commission or have a Circuit Court hearing with Judge Wilfong’s Court, you will experience security measures when you enter the building. Only one entrance is accessible from the street closest the sheriff’s tax office. Guns and knives are not permitted in the building. You will be required to empty your pockets and run your items through the scanner and walk through a metal detector. This is a necessary process for protecting our annex employees, new judge and staff and other citizens while visiting the courthouse. Please have patience and expect a slight delay as you enter the building. It is for your safety. Thank you for understanding. Sheriff Rob Elbon ... See MoreSee Less
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Rob if someone has a pacemaker do they still go through the metal detector. Can they show their card stating they have a pacemaker . Cause I have one and wasn’t sure if I could go through it. The one at the post office I have to walk around it. Just wondering
Randolph County Sheriff’s Office - WV If county commission board member Siler can’t or don’t want to fund more sheriff’s deputies to make our town safer how the hell can they afford this dumb 💩? Like he hypothetically said he didn’t want the headaches of being the sheriff so I’m not understanding why he wouldn’t want our town and streets to be safe and opposing sheriff elbon from getting the help and manpower he needs instead of not opposing them spending money on something as trivial as this dumb bull💩!
What about our elementary schools/hospitals/walk-in clinics? Seems the minimum is being put into place to protect everyone else that’s a value to our community.
Terroristic Threats Arrest ... See MoreSee Less
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I wish they'd realize he's not all mentally there and needs help he's gotten a check for it ever since he was born
He always threatens people, he threatened me and my daughter years ago through a jail phone of coming to rape and kill us and I said bring it! My daughter was 3 at the time! I’m still waiting on him been waiting 24 years now on OPIE
When are they just going to lock him up permenatley.
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Thank you guys
Katina-Rob Elbon that was very nice of you and the County.
Sorry for your loss
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20 CommentsComment on Facebook
I'm so sorry.He was a good man
Fitting send off for Slugger! He deserved full honors for sure.
Rip slugger. Thoughts and prayers for the brady family
Our mission is to serve and protect the citizens of, and visitors to, Randolph County, West Virginia. We are dedicated to providing fair, impartial law enforcement services that preserve the Constitutional Rights of the people.
Some of the services provided by your sheriff, together with the men and women of the Randolph County Sheriff’s office, include conducting investigations, service of process, and providing court security and guardianship services.
Robert R. Elbon, Jr. has spent his entire life serving the people of Randolph County. His top priority is promoting a safe and prosperous community for all Randolph County residents.
Randolph County Sheriff’s Office
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